Skewed Visions is
Skewed Visions fosters innovative, thoughtful artistic practice, questioning the way things are.
We are not satisfied with received ideas of what an arts experience should be, and we work to change the landscape of daily life.
Skewed Visions belongs to the long tradition that sees art as a fiercely independent response to reality.

From the Archive
Inspired by research into the nature of time and the combination of dystopian narratives in popular culture with resurgent political and social activism, Birds of the Future explored what it is to recognize one’s place in a seemingly unending cycle of utopian impulses and dystopian realities.
The Founders
Fresh Oysters Performance Research, our shared studio space is no more. The world keeps changing and recent changes made it necessary for this six-year shared space to end.
At Skewed Visions we are very familiar with leaving spaces, finding new ones, moving our work to where it can find life. There is no “Home,” there is only what we do and with whom.
Here’s to the next stage.